Friday, May 31, 2019

Horror Stories by Stevenson and Greene Essay -- Horror Stories Stevens

mutual exclusiveness Stories by Stevenson and GreeneHorror stories are an excellent traditional genre. This genre has beenaround for almost as long as stories pick out been told. In thisgeneration there is not much that usher out actually scare us, but what doesactually make a trade good repulsion story?Horror stories need to have a good and intimidating storyline, itneeds to play on peoples fears, it withal needs to give its audience areal hurry and send chills down their spines. The horror story may bebased on phobias, superstitions, murder or science fiction. Horrorstories that involve science can be really scary sometimes, as thismodern world is vastly developing, and we sometimes wonder whatscience can do. If a relatively small tinge bomb can wipe out a largecity than science can basically do anything, and this is what scaresus. What also really scares us, is when a horror story is based onsomething we know little about, the unknown, this includes aliens,monsters etc.Hor ror stories contain lots of tension and suspense it has got tokeep its readers on the edge of their seat, fashioning them think whatsgoing to happen next? A good horror story usually involves some kindof history, something that has happened in the past, this createstension, suspense and creates and element of closed book for the reader.When humans dont know something, their hormones naturally make themwant to know the thing even more this is why the element of mysteryand the suspense works really well in horror stories, luring thereader onto reading the rest of the story.In a horror story, lots of imagery is used, to create an atmosphere,this includes darkness bad weather, blood, death, also symbols ofhorror such as crows and the devi... ...think someone died because he was frightened of the dark, but when youthink about it is kind of believable how he may have been so scared,that it just caused his body to stop working.I think horror stories have remained so popular because as h umans welike getting a thrill. Horror stories are traditional and even in thetimes of the cavemen horror stories were told, and now these storieshave advanced and can be very interesting. Although we dont like tobe frightened, have nightmares and have our heart pounding reallyfast, the comfort comes when we realise that the horror isnt real(unless it is), and we can have a sigh of relief, and the feeling isgood when we look at the horror and reflect it to our own lives, whichmakes us feel safe. This is the same for nightmares, the feeling comeswhen we wake up and realise the nightmare wasnt reality.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics: Happiness :: Nicomachean Ethics Essays

From pursuing pleasure to avoiding pain, life seems to ultimately be about achieving bliss. However, how to define and obtain happiness has and continues to be a widely debated issue. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle gives his view on happiness. Aristotle focuses particularly on how reason, our rational capacity, should help us recognize and pursue what will drag to happiness and the good life.(Cooley and Powell, 459) He refers to the soul as a part of the human body and what its role is in pursuing true happiness and compass a desirable destination. Aristotle defines good as that which everything aims.(Aristotle, 459) Humans have an insatiable need to achieve goodness and eventual happiness. Sometimes the end that people aim for is the act they perform, and other times the end is something we attempt to achieve by means of that activity. Aristotle claims that there must be some end since everything cannot be means to something else.(Aristotle, 460) In this case, there would be nothing we would try to ultimately achieve and everything would be pointless. An ultimate end exists so that what we aim to achieve is attainable. Some people entrust that the highest end is material and obvious (when a person is sick they seek health, and a poor person searches for wealth). Most people think that the highest end is a life of pleasure. Hedonists have defined happiness as an equivalent to the totality of pleasurable or agreeable feeling.(Fox, 3) Some pleasures are good and contribute to happiness. non all ends are ultimate ends but the highest end would have to be something ultimate the just conceivable ultimate end is happiness.Happiness is perhaps the only clear ultimate end. Happiness is what we strive for by itself and not to get anything else. So it appears that happiness is the ultimate end and completely sufficient by itself. It is the end we seek in all we do.(Aristotle, 461) Mans good is related to his purpose the purpose of a man involves the actions o f his soul (the soul being a part of his reasoning). By carrying out the activities of his soul and doing so with proper excellence and virtue, man is able to reach a desirable end. Virtue, then deals with those feelings and actions in which it is wrong to go excessively far and wrong to fall too short but in which hitting the mean is praiseworthy and good.

Jerusalem in the Scriptures :: Christianity Bible Scriptures Essays

capital of Israel in the Scriptures37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her How often I wanted to compile your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing38 See Your house is left to you desolate39 for I submit to you, you shall see Me nomore till you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD (Matthew2337-39)Jerusalem in the Scriptures is symbolic of the Church in general. The word Jerusalem means city of peace.Paul writing to the church at Galatia makes adistinction between the two Jerusalems - thenatural one and the spiritual one. bothJerusalems are described symbolically as motherswith children.25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia,and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is,and is in bondage with her children26 but the Jerusalem preceding(prenominal) is free, which isthe mother of us all. (Galatians 425-26)We see that when Jesus laments over Jerusalem,He is actually lamenting over BOTH the naturalJerusalem AND the spiritual one. From write upwe know that Jerusalem had a record for killingthe prophets God sent to her to warn her torepent of idolatry. The irony of it all, is that thecity of God had a tendency to resist GodHimself when He came to them in the form ofthese men. This led to the ultimate of all ironies- the rejection of the man Jesus, who was in factGod in the flesh. And all this by those zealouslyattempting to adhere to the principles of Godbut at the same time rejecting the person of Godin Jesus.37 And the Father Himself, who sent Me, hastestified of Me. You have neither hear Hisvoice at any time, nor seen His form.38 But you do not have His word abiding inyou, because whom He sent, Him you do not view.39 You search the Scriptures, for in them youthink you have eternal life and these are theywhich testify of Me.40 But you are not willing to come to Methat you may have life. (John 537-40)We, as born-again believers, have the seed of theword of God living and abiding in us because wewere willing to come to Him and believe inHim. Likewise, as we learn to recognise thosesent by God, we will be able to receive the wordliving in them which may be the very anointingwe need to have the yokes and bondagesdestroyed in our lives and be changed from glory

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

ICT in the Local Community :: ICT Essays

ICT in the Local CommunityAirportsIn airports, all public access is channelled by dint of the terminal,where every person must walk through a metal detector and all itemsmust go through an X-ray machine which and then sends the picture to amonitor where a person can see what luggage you are carrying and ifyou are concealing any metal objects that may crap a threat to otherpassengers. All of the checked luggage goes through a large X-raymachine before it is loaded onto the aircraft. In the linked States,most major airports have a computer tomography (CT) scanner. A CTscanner is a hollow tube that surrounds your bag. The X-ray mechanismrevolves tardily around it, bombarding it with X-rays and recording theresulting data. The CT scanner uses all of this data to create a verydetailed tomogram (slice) of the bag. The scanner is able to calculatethe mass and assiduity of individual objects in your bag based on thistomogram. If an objects mass/density falls within the range of adanger ous material, the CT scanner warns the hustler of a potentialhazardous object.CT scanners are slow compared to other types of baggage-scanning outlines. Because of this, they are not used to check every bag.Instead, only bags that the computer flags as suspicious arechecked. These flags are triggered by any anomaly that shows up in thereservation or check-in process. For example, if a person buys a unidirectional ticket and pays cash, this is considered atypical and couldcause the computer to flag that person. When this happens, thatpersons checked bags are immediately sent through the CT scanner,which is usually located somewhere right the ticketing counter.A baggage-handling system makes all of the decisions about where a bagis going. Hundreds of computers keep track of the location of everybag, every travellers itinerary and the schedules of all the planes.Computers control the conveyer junctions and switches in the DCVtracks to make sure each bag ends up exactly where it needs to go. Theprocess begins when you check in and hand your bag to the factor.When you check in, the agent pulls up your itinerary on the computerand prints out one or more tags to attach to each of your pieces ofluggage. The tag has all of your flight information on it, includingyour destination and any stopover cities, as well as a bar code thatcontains a ten-digit number.This number is unique to your luggage. All of the computers in thebaggage-handling system can use this number to look up your itinerary.

The Riddle Of The Sphinx :: essays research papers

The Riddle of the SphinxThe study of myths probably began in the 4th century. BC. when Euthemerusexplained them as exaggerated adventures of historical individuals. Theallegorical interpretation of myths , stemming from the 18th century study ,says that at one time myths were invented by wise men to point out a truth, hardlyafter a time myths were taken literally. The linguistic decadenceinterpretation says that myths could be understood as allegory for pointts foundin nature. The Jungians school denoted myths as a mechanism of wish fulfillment.Sir James Frazer, believed that all myths were sooner connected with theidea of fertility in nature, with birth, death, and resurrection of vegetationas a constantly recurring motif. Though the modern interpretation of myths isnot general but a specific explanation for myths of a single people. Thetheological interpretation states that myths are foreshadowings of facts of theScripture or corruptions of them. This view, which is not contem porarily popular,is surprisingly enlightening when attention is give to the meaning of names ofcharacters and places in relation to Biblical stories. Even recent fairy taleswhich fall into the category of myth, often reveal through metaphor much truthin scripture than one would anticipate.The most relevant and necessary topic for the perceptiveness of theimagery and symbolism of myth is found in the model of the celestial zodiac.The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks, butwere in place perhaps as early as 4000 B.C. predating even the civilizations ofSumaria. The pictures were not arranged in haphazard order to aid in thetracking of the star movements but with order and purpose of depicting an epicnarrative. This understanding of the zodiac reveals an intelligence andscientific understanding that was corrupted through time . The symbolism whichremains can be analyzed to reveal the basic truth foot it.The story of the sphinx is an excellent example of the zodiac / mythconnection. The sphinx a composite creature with the head of a woman or man andthe body of a social lion was associated with the guarding of sacred sites of antiquity.It represented the whole of the narrative of the zodiac, with the head of awoman, Virgo the beginning of the celestial cycle and the body of a lion,Leo,the end of the cycle. In fact, the actual contrive for what scripture calls acherub is in actuality,a sphinx. The angels were beings whose sole purpose wasto reflect the will and the glory of the God who created them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Communication in Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study :: Technology, Software Development

Distributed software package development (DSD)1 is becoming acommon practice in modern software industry e.g. 1,where the level of dissemination can consort from teammembers being located in the same city to those ondifferent continents 2. The significance of DSD hasaccelerated because of factors such as improving timetomarketthrough unremitting development across differenttimezones,quick formation of virtual teams and thebenefits of business market advantages. These needs havedriven the software development efforts further towards amultisiteglobally distributed environment. 1Simultaneously, several studies have concluded thatdistributed enterprises are risky e.g. 35.For example, parley and coordination, software quality,schedule overruns and exceeded costs are some of theproblems troubling both singlesiteand distributedsoftware projects. However, the extent of the problem inthe case of DSD seems to be so complex that a thoroughunderstanding of it has not yet been defined. 3, 4 S everalstudies agree that dialogue is a particularlyimportant issue in distributed agile development, e.g. 57.Agile methods rely on volatile requirements that aremanaged through efficient verbal colloquy 8 andthus agile software development methods pose their ownchallenges to the field of DSD.In order to tackle the problems of DSD, severaldifferent techniques have been proposed. Thesetechniques range from utilise different tools, such asinstant messaging 9, videoconferencing 10 andwhiteboard software 5 to a set of more generalrecommendations 5. We conducted two different casestudies with different levels of distribution ranging fromthe customer being in the same city, to one with ageographical distribution of 600 kilometers within thesame country. Therefore, cultural differences were not anissue in these cases. We compared our findings against therecommendations of secular et al. 5 and provide moreinsight on their application based on our empiricalfindings and the existing litera ture. Even though we wereable to evaluate only terzetto recommendations out of theexisting four, our contribution provides valuable insightinto conducting distributed agile projects. Our resultsfurther emphasize the critical role of effectivecommunication, indicating that inefficient and irregularcommunication in conjunction with volatile requirementscan cause severe problems even in very smallscaleagileprojects. However, it seems that effective communicationis not the call. Our cases suggest that having a welldefinedcustomer2 is the key recommendation affecting torecommendations about having a Development Manager5 and using asynchronous communication channels. Asineffective customer collaboration may bed the otherrecommendations redundant, effective customercollaboration seems to be a key factor for successfuldistributed agile development. In addition, wecomplement the existing recommendations by introducingan supererogatory recommendation i.e. enable and supportdirect communic ation between the developers.Unexpectedly, the teams in the second case were notallowed to communicate directly with each other. Tocompensate, a managementledcommunication channelwas established to balance the communication flow,

Monday, May 27, 2019

Are Concerns over Immigration to Do with Culture of Economic Reasons Essay

Almost every economists argon in agreement that immigration has positive economic effects. Indeed in the United States it provides endemics with a net reach of at least $80,000 per immigrant, or as much as $10 billion annually (Bolin, 2006). However despite this there argon vast meter of advocacy groups pushing the pros and cons immigration to the populations of the waiter countries, with natives having negative views towards immigration (McLaren & Johnson, 2007).Through the course of this essay I will examine whether the root cause of these a great deal xenophobic views towards immigration endure root causes in economic reasons (immigrants taking jobs from natives, and leading to lower wages) or symbolic reasons, where the natives are fearful that the immigrants will get hold of their culture to the host ground and cause change. Enoch Powell, the Conservative British politician, gave a warning that immigrants were causing such strife that like the Roman, I inferm to see t he River Tiber foaming with much blood (Powell, 1969).This turned out to be nonsense, and his advice that immigrants should be encouraged to leave, would relieve oneself left Britain, and many other countries that rely on punk foreign labour in a horrific state of affairs. Immigrants are now taking far longer to integrate into their host country and this is touch many natives. In the past a third-generation migrant, for example in America, would have been expected to have shed much of his grandparents identicalness (The Economist, 2008), not speaking his drive tongue and having footling loyalty to the country his family originated from.This is changing as migrants feel loyalty to much than one country (The Economist, 2008). For example, Moroccans in Europe, even fourth generation, are encouraged by the Government to identify with the African country, and are granted Moroccan citizenship under the constitution. As many source countries such as India and mainland China grow int ent on gaining remittances from their emigres, migrants even several generations on may come under great pressure to retain some of their old identity (The Economist, 2008).This can all lead to immigrants neer becoming fully integrated into the host country, causing social problems such as immigrants bunching together in the similar place. Due to globalisation and time-space compression, it has become far easier for migrants to emigrate further away from their own country, this causes problems as they subsequently have tiny in common with their host country and find it harder to integrate into the community.Traveling long distances to emigrate is no longer a problem and in the future there will be the problem of people moving greater distances and settling among contrasting ethnic, religious and cultural groups (The Economist, 2008), meaning they will have problems integrating. Danes in Sweden or Albanians in Greece have little trouble integrating into the relatively familiar societies next door. as yet Poles in Ireland prosper, perhaps thanks to the incomers good standard of education and skill and the divided up Catholic faith.But Iraqis in Sweden, Somalis in Canada or Pakistanis in Norway typically find integration harder (The Economist, 2008). Samuel Huntington blames this on the great divisions among humankind (Huntington, 1993) that are the differences between civilisations. He believes that immigration will intensify civilization consciousness and awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations (Huntington, 1993). This leads to a them versus us attitude, with the natives having the xenophobic view that the immigrants are qualitatively different from themselves.As the natives of the host country would have spent time constructing discursive practices that attempt to fix meanings which enable the differentiation between the inside and the outside to be made (Doty, 1996), they will resent immigrants not properly integrating themselves into the community. Research on social identity appears to conclude that identity is highly important to individuals, with individuals protect these identities even if they have no realistic meaning (Monroe, et al. , 2000). People use these identities to provide a sense of self (Sniderman, et al. 2004), partly in order that they may distinguish between those similar to themselves and those different.The identities tend to have their basis in perceptions of differences (McLaren & Johnson, 2007)with those viewed as outsiders thought to have radically different values and approaches to carriage. The threat make up by minorities and immigrants may be symbolic in nature and may stem from concerns about the loss of certain values or ways of life (McLaren & Johnson, 2007), due to immigrants having a significant presence in the host country.Immigrants also often congregate in areas of the host country, London for example has a huge immigrant and minority presence w ith only 44. 9% classing themselves as White British (Gye, 2012), in the 2011 census. This all means that natives are fearful that immigrants will cause them to oblige or change their ways of life. Migrants who preserve a strong religious sense that cuts across any national loyalty may be the hardest of all to assimilate into broadly secular westward societies. In the post-9/11 world Muslims are often seen as being the greatest cultural threat to Western societies.In a recent survey McLaren and Johnson measured anti-Muslim feeling in the United Kingdom. They found that 62% of people agreed with the statement that British Muslims are more loyal to Muslims around the world, than to other Britons, only 12% disagreed. Only 30% of Britons felt that Muslims living in Britain were committed to Britain, with 47% feeling that they could never be committed to Britain. 52% of people thought that Britain would begin to lose its identity if more Muslims came to live there.Clearly there is consi derable anti-Muslim feeling in Britain and concern that British-Muslims pose a threat to the identity and culture of Britain (McLaren & Johnson, 2007). Most economists are in agreement that immigration has very little effect on natives wages this should mean that natives wont oppose immigration based on the misbelief that immigrants lower wages. Although conventional economic wisdom states that an profit in supply of labour will lead to a descend in price, this doesnt happen.Friedberg and Hunt conclude that a 10% increase in immigrant levels in the population, decreases wages by 1% (Friedberg & Hunt, 1995). Economist Francisco Revera-Batiz came to the same conclusion, noting that although immigration has increased the supply of low skilled subjecters into the United States, there has been very little impact on the wages of high school dropouts, the lowest skilled people in America (Rivera-Batiz, 1998). One of the most influential studies is Cards 1990 study on the Miami Labour m arket after the sudden influx of 125,000 Cuban immigrants in 1980 due to a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy.Surprisingly the arrival of so many immigrants didnt affect native wages, although it did lower the overall wage level in Miami due to the immigrants being active in low-wage jobs (Card, 1990). This tallies with the outcomes of other natural experiments in recent history such as the homecoming of 600,000 Portuguese after the collapse of their empire in Africa in 1974-76, the return of 900,000 Frenchmen from Algeria in 1962 (The Economist, 2008) or the influx of 610,000 Russian Jews into Israel 1990-94, increasing the labour force by 12% all had negligible effects on native wages.Immigrants dont decrease wages because as well as increasing the supply of labour, they become a domestic consumer for goods as well as services, they create jobs as consumers and fill jobs as producers (Bolin, 2006). A higher total population, ceteris parabus, will lead to the produceion of more goods and services, boosting the host countries gross domestic product (GDP). In some rare cases immigrants can even boost natives wages. Illegal Mexican immigrants, who are predominantly low skilled (Bolin, 2006), have a positive effect on other workers wages (Bean, et al. 1998).This is due to immigration increasing the productivity of native workers by taking low-skilled jobs, freeing higher-skilled workers to work in higher-skilled employment where they can be more productive (Bolin, 2006). Based on the results of a simulacrum of economists, using results based on a range of methodologies (Bolin, 2006), it can be seen that immigrants have a small negative impact on native wages, although mainly low-skilled workers. Based on this, natives shouldnt be concern over immigration levels based on their own wages falling.The popular theory that immigrants come over here and take our jobs, has been shown to hold very little truth, as most studies find no or negligible effects (Bolin, 20 06) on employment rates. The lump of labour fallacy is the mistaken idea that there are a set number of jobs in the economy, and when an immigrant takes one of those jobs, it is a job lost for a native. This is incorrect for three reasons. Firstly, by coming to a country immigrants increase the supply of labour and hence reduce wages.In turn, cheaper labour increases the potential return to employers to build new factories or expand their operations. In so doing, they create extra demand for workers (Grinda, 2006), and more jobs are created. Secondly, immigrants are consumers as well as producers. When there is a large influx of immigrants such as the 610,000 Russian-Jews into Israel in the early 1990s, they are in need of goods and services. People are employed to provide these goods and services, meaning more jobs added to the economy, and immigrants simply enlarge the economy.Thirdly, immigrants are 10 to 20 percent more likely to become entrepreneurs and start their own business than natives (Briggs & Moore, 1994). In 1999, The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese and Indian immigrants run nearly 25% of the high-companies started in Silicon Valley since 1980The 2,775 immigrant-run companies had total sales of $16. 8 billion and more than 58,000 employees (Thurm, 1999). Immigrants not only take jobs, they make jobs. They escaped new businesses that employ natives as well as other immigrants and themselves. And they do so in important numbers (Simon, 1999).Similarly, the findings by Friedberg and Hunt discovers no indorse of economically significant reductions in native employment. Card, as well as examining the impact of the Muriel boatlift on wages also examined the impact of it on employment. Even though Miamis work force was increased by 7%, virtually overnight, with an influx of relatively unskilled Cuban workers he finds no evidence of an increase in unemployment among less skilled blacks or other non-Cuban workers. Rather the data analysis sugg ests a remarkably rapid absorption of the Muriel immigrants into the Miami labour force (Card, 1990). over again with immigrants impact on wages, the evidence seems to suggest that a lack of evidence that immigration causes native unemployment. This should mean that concerns over immigration should not be linked to worries over employment. Due to immigrants being disproportionately low-skilled (Bolin, 2006) they tend to have lower wages than natives. It is often assumed therefore that they depend more upon the eudaemonia system than natives. The level of benefits are often higher in the host country than the source country, and it is often suggested that it is this difference that brings in migrants.Borjas coined the edge public assistance attracter effect (Borjas, 1999), making the point that immigrants are drawn to the country with the highest benefits. This however has all been shown to be completely false, and many economists believe that over the long term immigrants more th an pay for the public services they use (Simon, 1999). In the United States most immigrants, including Mexicans, are usually less likely than comparable natives to receive welfare, with the per capita cost of social welfare for immigrants being 8% less than the per capita cost for natives (Bean, et al. 1998).It is plain to see that objections to immigration come from those who are worried about the identity and culture of their nation being eroded, rather than for economic reasons. Immigrants are solving many problems for the host countries, such as the problems of aging populations and those participating in the workforce being increasing choosy about the jobs they do. Immigrants have few economic disadvantages, although high immigration may bring about a small decrease in jobs for the natives, the tax revenue that they bring in more than displaces this negative effect.As the immigrants have little impact on jobs, and simply create more jobs in the economy, disproving the lump of l abour fallacy, they dont have a negative impact on wages which is a positive for the economy as a whole. The argument that immigrants have a negative impact on the identity and culture of a nation holds some truth. Due to the fact that a nations identity is made up of what its inhabitants believe it to be, immigrants having different views, can water this identity down.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Classical Societies Essay

The most conspicuous of the Classical Societies developed in Persia, China, India, and the Mediterranean basin. The Classical Societies were known mainly as an enduring legacies. They were known for their influential slipway that affected the way people led their lives. individually of the Classical Societies achieved skillful accomplishments. They had their similarity and unlikenesss. Although the Classical Societies were similar in ways that they endured for a long peak of time and extended post over large regions, they differed when it came to beliefs and values.One particular way the societies differed with each other was the contrastive materials they used corresponding to their unique lifestyles. Each society raised agricultural crops, established buildings with different materials, observed different laws, and worshipped different gods. China and India heavily depended on the cultivation of rice, millet, and wheat. In China, peached populace and wood was the capital con struction material for large public buildings, and in India, wood was the most common construction material.Unlike China and India, wheat was the secure food crop in Persia and the Mediterranean, and Persia and Mediterranean buildings were designed of brick and stone. More difference that the Classical Societies had were the different gods, beliefs, and values that they strictly lived by. Each society formed a broad spectrum of ideas of family organization, what was acceptable in proper public and private behavior, the relationship between the immortals and human beings, the natural world and the gods. The difference that stood out specifically was the difference in the religion and the god or gods each society worshiped.The variety of different religions solely relied on the rulers tolerance of religious freedom. Specifically, Cyrus the Great was tolerant and allowed different religions throughout his kingdom mainly to save his wonderful empire from religious conflicts and disagr eements, but when Xerxes took over generations later, he was not merciful of different religions, he cherished to be worshipped and recognized as a god, which gradually began to tear the kingdom down. In addition, the societies contrasted in sophisticated cultural and religious traditions each groups generated. distinct societies held different beliefs and values, but all Classical Societies offered guidance on moral, religious, political, and social issues. The traditions were the fundamental foundations that would prepare people for a career in a organisation system. Also, the values would shape people who made the laws and policies which would result in a fair and just society. Despite the differences, the societies faced similar problems. They all extended ascendence over large regions. Cyrus the great conquered the region from the Indus River to Egypt and the Southeastern Europe.The classical societies all faced military challenges as well, and they raised powerful armies fo r both defensive and umbrage purposes. The military challenges arose from within the classical societies because of rebellious reasons, civil war, or problems between powerful bands. Alternatively, the societies faced the challenge of trying to maintain an equitable distribution of reach and wealth. Each rulers were greedy to expand the kingdom for wealth, power, and land. More land meant more resources, more resources meant wealth.The race to expansion of kingdoms driven by their greed came crashing when the empires became too enormous to handle and the rules could not be adjusted to everyones lifestyle, values, and religion. The Classical Societies influenced the way billions of people have led their lives, and still to this day. They achieved high degrees of internal organization, extended their authority over vastly large regions, and elaborated especially influential cultural traditions. The classical societies began the development of advanced technology because of the great rulers and ideas of the different societies.

Friday, May 24, 2019

How to Handle the Charge Volume of a Ball Mill or Rod Mill

In physics, the charge of a volume is commsolely described by a quantity called the charge density or the charge distribution. When the electric field that arises from the charge distribution exhibits a volumetric symmetry, a handy kindred known as Gausss Law may be used to calculate the charge distribution of the volume. The charge volume of a formal or perch torpedo is expressed as the percentage of the volume within the liners filled with balls or rods.When the mill is stationary, the charge volume can be quickly obtained by measuring the diameter inside the liners and the distance from the top of the mill inside the liners to the top of the charge. The percentage loading or change volume can then(prenominal) be read off the graph in Figure 3 or can be approximated from the following equation % loading = 113 126 H/ D where H is distance from top of mill inside of lining to top of charge and D is diameter of mill. Maximum power is drawn by a mill when the charge occupies appro ximately 50% by volume.However, as seen in Figure 4, the power curve becomes very flat in the range preceding(prenominal) 45%. As a result, mills are seldom run with charge levels greater than 45%. In rod mills, the charge is swollen by particles of feed which separate the rods. If the mill is shut down immediately after the feed is shut off, the charge level will be greater than if the mill had been ground out prior to shutdown. Because of this, rod mills are normally operated with a 32 to 40 percent charge by volume. In operation, this becomes a 40 to 50 percent charge, with a bulk density considerably lower than that of stacked rods.Ball mill charge becomes measurably swollen only when there is a buildup of large unground material in the ball mill or when the density of the pulp in a wet mill is super high. Although these conditions are seldom encountered, it is recommended that ball mills be ground out prior to shutdown for measurement of the charge level. Ball mill http//www. hxjqchina. com/product-list_34. html ball mills http//www. hxjq-crusher. com/50. html vibrating feeder http//www. hxjq-crusher. com/44. html jaw breaker http//www. hxjq-crusher. com/1. html sand washer http//www. hxjqchina. com/product-list_29. html

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Prestige Telephone Company Essay

PDS continuing to report operating losses due to most issues like delay of Equipment Deliveries, personnel commended high profits than expected , Difficulties to find customers , Storage space which is used for keeping the equipment was high , high lease and equipment purchase cost , Limitation on operate providing cost for parent company and charges which is given to the corporate service by the prestige Telephone Company .After analyzing the exhi flecks and the relation between the prestige send for company and prestige data services I would recommend Mr. Rowe that Mr. Rowe should give whatsoever immunity to PDS in case of rent charges and the PTS should look over the facilities which provided by corporate services . PTC and PDS should manage their sales department together so it become easy for them to provide service to the clients in case of data maintaining, invoice so the individual cost will be limited.Secondly I would recommend Mr. Rowe regarding service providing ho urs as after analyzing the total revenue and total hours in report of first quarter there is a huge gap of hours in between these twos If they plan to work around 550-600 hours in different shifts and maintenance of the computer is done on non-working days and utilize remaining hours for service providing they can increase their revenue hours per month.Regarding improved reporting / report format I would be preferring the graphical representation for revenue hours as it is easy to study graphically how many hours been actually utilize for intra company and for commercial message purposes and on the other hand the financial report will be presented in percentage format as it will become easy to encipher some important figures and doctor some plan action upon that.As per the first quarter report on exhibit 1 the PDS showing some positive increment in their revenue hours as we compare month Jan and March this proves the company is efficient to provide good service as its bit diffic ult to get such a result at initial stages. So after seen such a improvement the company should get some more period of time to improve his performance and meet the revenue hours with total hours .And as the PDS is the parent company they should give some costing privilege in below cases they may overcome some losses in which they are invested in different sections like rent of the storage space and salary issues to the personnel and at other hand as the PDS is not in a public sector so they can increase their service charges and make some profit through it by providing efficient service to the clients .

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Slave Narrative Sarah Garner

HIST 1301 April 13, 2013 Summary of Interview with Sarah Garner Mrs. Sarah was a slave in Westmoreland County, and conducted an interview with Archibald Hill. She describes that she did not have an overseer for her labor, in which he expected them to do good work. If they didnt complete the work, he was at liberty to whip them. She also describes her first time getting whipped as real unpleasant when she didnt know how to do the labor. Garner was born in Tennessee and her father, Jula, was born in Virginia. Garners husband, Theodore, was born in Blackground, and married him when she was eighteen.Her arrive at bought him and his mother when he was 8 years old. Garner also had two brothers. Next, she describes planting the farm as a child. Shed have to pick it score wit her feet. They had plows so all the work wasnt done by hand. She explains that she could do as much work as any man could handle. You had to endorse the land crossways and plow the open rows. The master had one plo w but was having more made at the shops. They made the plows by hand. She was never a house person, which her mother was. She thought of herself as a farmer. She could do any gung milked cows and hauled flowers.She never had to cook, iron, clean, or wash for the white hatful. She worked from the twenty-four hours she was born until the day she left. Her mother raised her to be strong. Garner worked outside while her mother stayed inside doing housework. Garner never talked about being able to read and write. Her mother cooked them all meals after the white family ate. At night her mother taught vitality lessons to all of her siblings. Her father usually worked from early mornings to late at night. On of the important reasons masters didnt want their slaves to become Christians involved the Bible.This was one reason why most plantation owners did what they could to stop their slaves from learning to read. In the South, black people were not usually allowed to attend church servic es. Black people in the North were more likely to attend church services. Drums, which were used in traditionalistic religious ceremonies, where banned because overseers worried that they would be used to send messages. Garner raised 12 children. When her son got old enough to care for himself, she moved away. She had trey sons. When her son died, she came back here.Her 12 children including her daughters all grew up to go elsewhere. Most of them went North. Some went to Philadelphia, New York or Virginia. Her youngest son died shortly after he was married. She believed that they were in Gods hands, and did what God wanted. They all went their own separate ways when the got old enough. They come back to see family sometimes. Garner becomes excited when asked about life up North, until she sees the labor involved, and she thinks about the work she used to do at home. She lived a healthy life and she enjoys being free.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Le’ Chatelier’s Principle

Purpose The purpose of this research lab is to develop a deeper determineing of LeChateliers pattern by observing several systems at chemical equilibrium and interpreting the effects of varying concentrations and temperature. The principle states that if systems at equilibria are altered or sickish in either form, the equilibria will shift to reduce the disturbing influence ( Catalyst, 186). In a 3 part experimentation, we analyzed the outcome of multifariousnesss in reactant and intersection concentrations, equilibrium involving sparingly soluble salts, and the effect of temperature on the equilibrium.In part 1 , we observed the shift in equilibria of two aqueous resultants of Copper and Ammonia then plate and Ammonia. In part 2, we focused on cobalt ions in the presence of chloride ions as well as the precipitation of silver nitrate and atomic number 11 carbonate. In the last part of the experiment we utilized a final result of Cobalt chloride and compared the rubric a t room temperature and then again in a container of boiling body of wet. Physical Data No physical Data was applicable to the experiment. Chemical Equations Part i Changes in Reactant or Product Concentrations A. Copper and nickel Ions Cu(H2O)42+ (aq) + 4NH3(aq) Cu(NH3)42+(aq) + 4H2O(l) blue dark blue Ni(H2O)62+(aq) + 6NH3(aq) Ni(NH3)62+(aq) + 6H2O(l) green pale violet H+(aq) + NH3(aq) NH4 +(aq) B. Cobalt Ions Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4CL- (aq) CoCl42-(aq) + 6H2O(l) Part ii Equilibrium Involving Sparingly Soluble Salts 2AgNO3(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) Ag2CO3(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) 2Ag+(aq) + CO32-(aq) Ag2CO3(s) Net bonce equation 2H+(aq) + CO32-(aq) H2CO3(aq) H2CO3(aq) CO2(g) + H2O(l) Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq)AgCl(s) Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) Ag(NH3)2+(aq) I-(aq) + Ag+(aq) AgI(s) Safety Safety goggles are required to be worn throughout entire duration of the lab experiment. Wear gloves, as the chemicals may cause serious damage to the skin skin. Be sure to clean materials with soap and water before beginnin g any procedures. When disposing wastes, be sure to do so in the appropriate receptacle. Use precaution when handling all chemicals, careful not to inhale anything. Experimental surgical operation and Observations Part i Changes in Reactant or Product ConcentrationsA. Copper and Nickel Ions Procedure Copper 1. Place 1 mL of 0. 1 M CuSO4 in a clean streamlet tube. 2. resume 15 M NH3 drop wise until a color change occurs. 3. Mix the solution in the test tube as you add the NH3. 4. Add 1 M HCl drop wise while mixing the solution, until the color changes. Nickel 1. Place about 1 mL of 0. 1 M NiCl2 in a clean test tube. 2. Add 15 M NH3 drop wise until a color change occurs. 3. Mix the solution in the test tube as you add the NH3. 4. Add 1 M HCl drop wise while mixing the solution, until the color changes. Observations Copper . The liquid is light blue in color. 2. The solution turned to royal blue. 3. Solution begins to slowly change to a more transparent blue. 4. We added 56 drops, t he top of the solution remained royal blue as the bottom turned completely see and colorless. After shaking it, it turned completely light blue. Nickel 1. The liquid is light/clear green in color. 2. The solution turned from green to blue to a lavender complex. 3. The solution turned to a clear lavender color. 4. The solution reverted back to clear green. B. Cobalt Ions Procedure 1. Place 0. mL of 1 M CoCl2 in a test tube. 2. Add 12 M HCl to test tube until a change is noticeable. 3. Slowly add water to the test tube while mixing. Observations 1. Exactly 10 drops are rigid in the tube. The liquid is pale pink in color. 2. The solution turned to dark blue. 3. The solution slowly turns to purple, as little particles form on the bottom. A pale pink color began to form at the top and the color consumed the entire solution. Part ii Equilibrium Involving Sparingly Soluble Salts Procedure 1. Add 10 drops of 0. 01 M AgNO3 to 0. 5 mL of 0. 1 M of Na2CO3. . With caution, add 6 M HNO3 drop w ise until a change occurs. 3. Add . 1 M of HCl drop wise until a change is observed. 4. Add 15 M NH3 drop wise until a change occurs. 5. Add 6 M HNO3 drop wise until there is evidence of a chemical change. 6. While mixing the solution, add 15 M NH3 drop wise. 7. Add 0. 1 M KI drop wise until there is evidence of a chemical response. Observations 1. The original Na2CO3 solution is clear in color. The addition of AgNO3 turns it cloudy almost immediately. A small amount of precipitate is also visible in the solution. 2.Exactly 4 drops of HNO3 are added and the color of the solution reverts back to clear. 3. 4 drops of HCl are also added and the solution once again turns back cloudy with visible precipitate. 4. 15 drops of NH3 are used and the solution becomes colorless with the precipitate dissolving. 5. The solution remains colorless and a small gas cloud forms over the solution. 6. The solution is still clear and the gas above is still visible. 7. The solution turns white/ creamy in color. thither is visible precipitate and the gas above the liquid is no longer visible. Part iii. Effect of Temperature on EquilibriaProcedure 1. Using a 250 ml beaker, heat 75ml of water until it begins to boil. 2. Place 1 mL of 1. 0 M CoCl2 in a test tube and place the test into the boiling water (Careful not to spill). Observations 1. The water heats to a temperature of about 135C. 2. The color of the CoCl2 at 20C is red. After placing it in the boiling water it changes to a deep pink/ chromatic color. Data/ Results Part i A Part i B Part ii Part iii Calculations No mathematical calculations were applicable to the experiment. treatment Beginning with the first experiment, which consisted of the Copper, Nickel, and Ammonia.In both chemical reactions, the strength of the ammonia is stronger than that of the water, causing to each one of them to dissociate. Once Hydrochloric acid is added to left over(p) of the equation, the ammonia binds to hydrogen forming ammonium and drivin g the reaction back in the direction that it came from. The equilibrium is therefore established by the Nickel ion and Ammonia and shifted by the hydrochloric acid once the hydrogen reacts with ammonia in a common acid-base reaction. The ammonia-metal bond in each of the reactions causes a precipitate to form because of the hydroxide ions that are left after the donation of the hydrogen.Part B of the experiment consisted of the aqueous Cobalt and chloride ions. The addition of the hydrochloric acid, once again induces an immediate change in color. The equilibrium of the equation is disturbed because of the acid, which lead to the left shift in the equation. Increasing the amount of water allowed H2O to act as a base forming H3O, allowing the reaction to move back to the right. In the second portion of the lab, the combination of silver and sodium carbonate leads to the formation of a precipitate. This is accounted for based on the silver+carbonate complex.Adding hydrochloric acid f orms an unstable carbonic acid which will subsequent dissociate into carbon dioxide and water. This also has the effect of dissolving the silver carbonate and shifting the equation back to the left. Further removal of the silver on the left forces the reaction to move in the direction of the loss. Silver ions react with ammonia that is added and added more acid to this caused ammonium to form. Ammonia is added once more to reestablish the equilibrium. The last add-on of potassium iodide once again disrupts the balance because the silver reacts the iodide causing the reaction to move left.By manipulating the temperature, we were able to deduce information about the final reaction involving cobalt chloride. Starting near room temperature at exactly 20C the cobalt chloride started at a light pink color. After placing the solution in a heated water bath of exactly 135C, the contents of the test tube turned dark pink. The reaction is therefore heat- leaseing as the cool CoCl2 absorbed heat from its water bath before making a chemical change, therefore the reaction shifts to the right to absorb the heat. ConclusionConducting the experiment gave us the opportunity to learn about the effects of varying concentration and temperature in a system, hence the objectives were met because in performing each section of the lab, we were able to apply LeChateliers principle. The methods applied greatly aided in our understanding of the material as we had to apply previous knowledge to understand the behavior of the chemicals. Many of the solutions that were added drop wise had to be done that way as to not add too much because too much of a substance could prevent the reversal properties of the reaction.

Monday, May 20, 2019


What are the benefits of strategicalplanning? Understanding the Benefits of strategical Planning For Entrepreneurs Your acts goals and outline localize the purpose and competitive prefer that will set it apart from others. Your goals protagonist define your intent, and outline is the plan of action that describes activities for dealing with the environment and for reaching your ventures think goals. When combined, goals and strategies define the scope of operations and the relationship with employees, customers, competitors, and other stakeholders.The term strategy is widely used in the descent line domain of a function today. It is one of those words that people define in one way and ofttimes use in another, without realizing the difference. It is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning the art and science of the general deploying forces for battle. Your strategy is a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve your intended goals. Some think of goals and strategies as interchangeable. For purposes of our research, goals define where your venture wants to go, and strategy defines how your venture will get there.This formal process of setting goals and creating a strategy adds legitimacy, provides employee direction and motivation, helps form decision-making guidelines, and provides criteria for your performance. In essence, the process of strategy formulation sets the general directions in which your ventures position will grow and developyour goals and objectives represent the ends that you are seeking to attain. Whereas the strategy is the means to these ends, strategic management is positioning and relating your venture to its environment in a way that will ensure its move success and make it secure from surprises from competitors.This is competitive strategy, the search for a favorable competitive position in an industry, aiming to establish a profitable and sustainable position against the forces that determine indus try competition. Benefits of Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurs Strategic planning is a logical, analytical process for choosing your ventures future positions vis a vis the environment. The most popular defect of entrepreneurs is myopia, a lack of long-range perspective in persuasion or planning. In the sports world they say, Luck is where cooking meets pportunity. Lance Armstrong, a bicyclist with five consecutive Tour de France wins to his name, prepares by thinking the race through before he ever starts down the road. In the business world this preparation comes from strategic planning. As Michael Porter writes, The essence of formulating competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment the lift out strategy for a given firm is ultimately a unique construction reflecting its particular circumstances. So look at new business venturing as a chess game.To be successful you essential be able to anticipate several moves ahead in advance. Thinking closely your st rategy is the like thinking about the scenarios of plans, for example, what to do if/when competitors come into your space. Strategic planning is the process of thinking about and creating these scenarios, and the business plan is the document that communicates the fact that you have figured it out. According to Henry Mintzberg, the key to successful strategic decision making is not just looking out into the future, but having a capacity and willingness to perk up from experience.A new venture has to start somewhere, with a collective understanding of what it is supposed to be doing and where it should be going, and strategic planning aids in this learning. But entrepreneurs cannot wait until the competition is engaged before planning. The inevitable murkiness that accompanies any battle and that renders the clearest plans difficult to execute is called the fog of war, a term first coined by the nineteenth-century Prussian general Karl von Clausewitz (17801831).Crafting Your Busi ness Strategy Strategic planning is the process through which you profitably match your knowledgeable resources with shifting foodstuff demands and based on an opportunity. In a must-read article for all entrepreneurs learning about strategic planning, Crafting Strategy in Harvard Business Review, Mintzberg states that a business strategy should be crafted because craft evokes tralatitious skill, dedication, perfection through the mastery of detail. His point is that strategies can form as well as be formulated. There are two key components that need to be crafted together to logically spell out, as Drucker calls it, the business purpose. The first is a coherent encapsulation of your products and services, the markets and types of customers you serve, and the benefits they derive. The second component should identify the key activities and how they will be carried out to realize the logic for competing. It is this the tight integration of the reasons for competing and for organi zing lays the foundation for your ventures competitive advantage that becomes the basis of its superiority over rivals in serving a particular market or market segments. Strategies are not set in stone. In fact, 84 percent of the CEOs leading fast-growth ventures said their business had changed target markets, even from the time when they launched. Although the business may change, the questions that drive strategic planning remain fixed. scar thinking about the following key questions Where are we now? Where

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Environmental Racism: Take Out the Race Essay

The best way to avoid environmental racism is to avoid the able of race at all costs. Race should neer be the subject of any discussion about vital decisions regarding kindliness, because when race becomes a focal point, then the discussion mechanically becomes racist. The best way to avoid racism in general, including environmental racism, is to keep race out of essential debates and choices, including environmental, social, economic, and political wizards.When politicians plan for the development of a urban center, neighborhood, or industry, which has an environmental impact, the best thing politicians can do is to either allow businesses to put forward their own economic judgments about how, where, and when to build, or to simply use extend economic judgment themselves. If one looks to business and urban planning or environmental development and protection, one must look to costs and benefits.If the costs are low and benefits are high to a city or region in regard to incom ing business or environmental changes, then the politicians should make the decision to act in favor of good business and environmental practices. In my opinion, race has no place in the discussion. Sound economics should be considered, including sound planning and social and environmental benefits, still race is never a smart card to be played. Why consider race? Considering it merely makes racism more of a truth and reality. Environmental legal expert is important, social justice is important, and economic justice is important.All of these are linked together, and, in all of these, the color of a persons scratch up is an outdated and silly point of consideration. Best practices in government, in business, in ecology, are fundamentally trussed to one another, and bringing differing races into the argument is only prejudiced and unreasonable. Protecting all of united humanity and humanitys surrounding ecology should always be a consideration, but divisive race should never be. It proves fruitless.References(Clients uploaded article information. No author, date, title, or publisher provided. )

Gifted Learners in Diverse Classroom Essay

As our nation becomes more cultur wholey diverse we our schools need to depress modeling and preparing for this diversity. The importance of learn about diversity in culture and stereotypes is of take time officular concern with enable learners. This article discusses the Ford and Harris model (2000) which combines spiriteder order thinking skills with culturally relevant content to plunge students in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as they examine different perspectives and become involved in social action. on that point ar several different methods to this model that can be used a social studies schoolroom to engage happy learners.The first is the transformational approach where the curriculum is set up to show contributions and perspectives of many groups. This allows students to contact various perspectives across the spectrum of cultures. Next, the social action approach has students identify issues that they think might need to be changed and make action plans. T hey are empowered in both of these approaches. Blooms Taxonomy is used at the highest level in both of these models and students are able to learn from themselves, inwardly, and from each other in order to hopefully contract positive relationships.Along with using these two approaches discussions, infusions of literature and poetry, role-playing, examining original documents, ethnographic research, photojournalism, and service learning are easily applied to middle and high school schoolrooms. The importance of keeping ingenious students engaged has been s well up documented. High qualities discussions fill in the classroom are a great way for student to share, debate, build up original thinking and analyze various perspectives of other gifted students.In a multicultural classroom discussions could become significant learning experiences for young people by allowing participants to challenge the points of view held by others piece reexamining their own beliefs Parker (2001). Multicultural literature infused into the classroom and curriculum can give many cultural perspectives for students to muse upon. Teachers reported gains in self-esteem and academic achievement in diverse students when given literature in which they felt reflected their own culture.Another good technique that teachers can use in a multicultural classroom is role-play. When students place themselves into the role of another it is found that they internalize the culture while also learning about the content. This use of critical thinking skills, along with cooperative learning is a big part of a multicultural classroom. Role-play is one strategy that enriches instruction and supports the unusual sensitivity to the feelings of others evident in gifted learners (Clark, 2007 Piechowski, 2006).Teachers, who have used the process of ethnographic research, or the study and systematic recording of human cultures, have found that gifted students are enriched with the process. Ethnographic r esearch includes interviews, artifacts and observations. Along with Ethnographic research the use of primary documents is an important part of a multicultural classroom. Examples include manuscripts, diaries, letters, photographs, postcards, posters, audio or video recordings, oral histories, speeches, or official documents (Bogdan & Biklen, 2006).Primary documents are increasingly becoming a part of the questioning process on the end of course exams so it is vital that gifted students are given access to them and understand their importance. Photographs, or photojournalism can be impactful for the visual gifted learners. Photojournalism supports numerous characteristics of gifted learners, including their emotional depth and intensity, as well as their strong capacity for processing information, generating original ideas, and comprehensively synthesizing ideas and solutions (Clark, 2007 Davis et al. 2011).Finally, service learning is an area were gifted learners are provided the op portunity be creative with their ideas. In service learning students can find a need in the community and find a method to assist. Because many gifted learners have high levels of empathy this suits them well. Terry (2008) noted that service learning can help gifted learners reach their creative capability as they seek solutions to societys problems, while also assisting them in their journey toward self-actualization.There are many methods that creativity and diversity can be brought into a multicultural classroom. With gifted students choice and physical body is important so that the student remains engaged. The gifted learners needs will drive much of the instruction. This is skilful a few of the ideas that would work in a social studies classroom in particular. As with all things creativity, curriculum and enrichment are the key to keeping students engaged with gifted learners.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Borrowings Words Research Paper Essay

mental hospitalThe theme of the research paper is side acceptations. This theme aro habituates my interest as its widely discussed in wholly scientific circles. New dictions be born, close to die prohibited, and lots of them mix up with each former(a). These facts charter a great influence on the humanity. Nowadays the language that influences Russian the most is side. side of meat has become an inter populational language and is usaged all over the world. More and more people, both callownessfulness and grown ups, use this spoken language in their speech. These spoken language are utilize in all sorts of activities politics, fashion, trade, medicine, law, military, mount media, sports. The aim of my research paper is to check over the borrowed speech in opposite spheres of life and their enjoyment in ultramodern Russian language. The tasks of the research paper* to give general information almost the borrowed quarrel* to investigate the process and the way o f adoptions* to determine the importance of the borrowed quarrel.The subject of my research paper is adoptions.Methods of investigation are* the mode of observation* questionnaires* magazine and TV programme analyzing* interviewing.Practical signifi freighterce of the results of investigation consists in the fact they can be apply in teaching position for Belarusian and Russian students. We all agree that a language is the most important dowery of human conversation. The main element of ein truth language is speech. It consists of words and word combinations. Lots of words in Russian are borrowed from other languages. The knowledge of these words is immanent as we meet them e truly day and allwhere. These words are usually not specific exactly are known to the most segment of native speakers. Borrowings are words and word combinations, adopted from wholeness language to other according to its phonetic and grammatical rules. Borrowing 1) (process) resorting to the wor d-stock of other languages for words to express refreshful concepts, to further differentiate the representing concepts and to name sunrise(prenominal) objects, and so forth 2) (result) a loan word, borrowed word a word taken over from another language and modified in phonemic shape, spelling, paradigm or meaning according to the standards of the incline language. The human action of borrowings is different in each language. on that point are languages dear of loan-words, much(prenominal) as Korean it includes about 2/3 of Chinese lexical units. Others need a little number of loan-words such as Russian, French and German. Nevertheless, in that respect are languages Czech, Chinese and Hungarian which achieve an effort in order to avoid the input of unusual words and try to make up smart words and expressions for a new concept by their own lexical units. But there is no language without any borrowings because nations cant be separated from each other and communication heathen, scientific and trade cant be synthetically stopped. There are different guinea pigs of borrowings.In the most cases the want of adopting round word appears with the penetration of corresponding item or acquiring new conception. In this way the word spoutnik in French and sputnik in slope was borrowed by many languages from Russian after(prenominal) the launch of the commencement Soviet artificial sputnik of the Earth. The flow of borrowing foreign words into Russian language had especially increased in 90-s. It is connected with the inflexions in such spheres as politics, economy, culture and new concepts of morality. The extraordinary expansion of foreign lexica had been observed in this period.I Reasons for borrowingsFrom the ancient times Belarusian nation came into cultural, trade, military and political dealings with other states that certainly lead to the language borrowings. Within the process of usage the majority of them were exposed by the borrowing l anguage influence. Step by step loan-words, assimilated (from Lat. assimilare , ) in borrowing language, had formed the spirit level of widespread words and by this time werent perceived as foreign anymore. In different epoch words from other languages penetrated into original Russian vocabulary. The borrowed words appeared mostly in such spheres as mass-media, advertising and IT, because they present the most update phenomena of our modern lifestyle. It became fashionable for nowadays to use borrowings which came from English into Russian.It is conditioned by the tendency of American corporation idealisation, where the social life level is very high. Also we cant deny the rush of technical progress in English speaking countries. It is obvious that they tolerate a great potential in nigh every sphere of modern society. Thats why we need to borrow words in order to name new concepts. twenty-four hours after day people rig their houses with the most modern and high-technologic al equipment. So in order to use such house-helpers people had to study the technological information including the appropriate terminology. So that such words as , and many others came into our lives. The most demonstrative example is the word . Not so long ago this notion acquired the status of everyday usage word with the process of total data processorization. We can describe this term almost everywhere and even from a little child. Almost in every newspaper publisher we can catch up with advertisements with such a text and everyone understands that it mover the knowledge of sundry(a) computer programmes.The other reason and may be the most important is that English language nowadays serves as the language of international communication. may be we should wait a little and as Sergey Yesenin wrote in his poem. Many Russian scientists are very troubled with the tendency of English and American words penetration into Russian language. There are a lot of examples in the history when one language gradually absorbed the other one. But as for me I think that Russian language is very rich and it has a great potential to crush rid of everything superfluous or unnecessary and it is one of the richest language of the world while including a layer of loan-words in its vocabulary. But in addition to the classical borrowings, which serve to identify new notions, there is a new tendency in Russian language borrowing the words from English language, which already exist and are used in everyday life.For example, it is very fashionable to say from English hair which causationity or from English face instead Russian . It is clear that we cant use such borrowings in the scientific speech or in literary works. Here we can talk about the process of stylistic distinction of the loan-words. Everything is changeable and language especially. The reason is that the language is the most sensitive phenomenon to the changes in the surrounding world economics , politics and technological progress with its inventions. Only language can express our feelings, actions, thoughts and relations among people, events that occur with us.II Spheres of borrowingsThe joining of borrowings into Russian language increased especially in 90 days of XX century. The tendency of expansion foreign words could be observed in almost every sphere of life. It occupied the leading position in political sphere of the country getting addicted with new concepts president, inauguration, speaker, impeachment, electorate and others. Such words began to form the layer of new social and political vocabulary. At dying time, the main source of linguistic stuff became contemporary mass media. While reading newspapers or reflexion TV every person is confronted with a great number of borrowed words. In this way, new concepts come into our life.The speed of foreign words penetration became faster within the development of mass media. It is necessary to stand for spheres o f borrowing of English words such as information technologies, a policy, the international relations and cooperation, business sphere, cultural interaction of the countries and the people, sports. The process of adoption of new words is determined by nations contacts which generate a necessity of new concepts and ideas nomination. Such words are usually the results of some nations innovation in any sphere of science or technics. They may also appear as a nonparallel result of snobbery, fashion. Nevertheless, there are essential linguistic reasons for instance, the necessity to express polysemantic Russian words by means of foreign word or to widen the expressive means of a language, etc.III Classification of borrowingsLinguistic borrowing are words (morpheme or syntactic construction) and set expressions, locomote from one language to another. The beginning of English borrowings in Russian language refers to the beginning of XVII century. subsequently by the middle of XIX century loan-words entered Russian to become its essential patch. The word-stock of international vocabulary was universe arisen. 1. Loan-word can be a synonym to the original oneFor example etc.2. Loan-word can fill in the Russian wordFor example - etc.3. Loan-word that has no equivalent in Russian language, new notions borrowed from another culture with the respective unit or concept For example etc.In some cases the application program of foreign words is not appropriate, in others it is necessary, as these words make up an essential part of lexis, fixed over the definite style.Types of borrowingsIt is manageable to distinguish the following groups of loan-words 1. Direct borrowings. The words are met in Russian in the same form and in the same meaning as in the sign language. They are - weekend, leisure time black(man) or Afro-American money or cash. 2. Hybrids. These words were formed by addition of Russian suffixes, prefixes and endings to the foreig n root. In this way the meaning of the word often changes. For example (busy , ), , , and others. 3. Calques. intelligence agency of foreign origin using with the preservation of its phonetic and graphic shape. They are , , , , , , - etc. 4. Half-calques. Words which after being grammatically assimilated were put under the grammatical rules of Russian language (suffixation). For example (drive) , .5. Exotisms. Such words are characterized by specific national customs or manners of foreign nations and are used to show the atypical for Russian reality notions. The distinctive feature of them is that they have no equivalent or synonyms in Russian. For example (chips), - (hot-dog), (cheeseburger). 6. Foreign lingual spots. Such words usually have lexical equivalents, provided they stylistically differ from these equivalents and are used in the sphere of communication as expressive means to add a peculiar emotiveness to the speech. For example OK Wow. 7. Composites. Words which were made by means of cardinal or more English lexical units. For example - a special apartment for watching movies, - a shop that sells the goods which have already been used, - a comfortable cocktail bar. 8. Jargonisms. These are words appeared in consequence of some sounds distortion. For example e-mail, , crazy.If to speak about the time period there are two major types of borrowings. The first type is presented by old borrowings which were actualized during last years with respect to the political and economical systems modification. The second type includes the number of loan-words which were made directly during last years.IV Research partNowadays the language that influences Russian the most is English. It is unsurprisingly because English has become an international language and is used all over the world. With the help of the net profit and the mass media the number of English slang words are increasing. More and more people, both youth and grown-ups, use these words in their speech. These words are used in all sorts of activities politics, fashion, trade, medicine, law, military, mass media, sports. I have analyzed1. some TV programs2. some newspapers, magazines3. the name calling of the shops in Novogrudok and Minskto find out how deeply English borrowings have come into Russian. vox 1 English borrowings on TVThe biggest part of borrowings comes from* the name calling of some carry* new kinds of programs invented in the USA and the UK* new types of films* sports programs* music programs.The titles of some channels contain English letters or words. For example EuroSport, National Geographic channel, Discovery Channel, Animal planet, Viasat History, atomic number 63 Plus, Kino club, EuroNews. A big part of entertaining programs were invented in the USA. Thats why the names of some types of programs are English. We can name capital show, talk show, reality show, paranormal show. Modern types of some films have come also from the US, because the motion picture arts were born there. It is a thriller, a detective, a western, a soap-opera, a love story, a sitcom, a fantasy, an action film. So many English words have entered the Russian speech from TV.A lot of English borrowings dedicated to different kinds of sports have come into Russian language. It is possible to explain it because many sports were originated in England. I will give for example channel trinitrotoluene where some names of programs are English borrowings and it is brightly expressed. From TNT we know Comedy club, Comedy woman, cosmopolite video version, Interns, Nasha Russia. In appendix I quoted words, that more often than others we can hear on TV. young commercial music and popular-entertaining channels are in the lead. So I can say that English words influence on teenagers and their speech is full of English words.PART 2 English borrowings in newspapers and magazinesLots of people read magazines and newspapers every day. And I have tried to indicate the most used magazines and have noticed that many of them have English names. In the Internet I have plunge information about the quantity of all the magazines and magazines with English names. I looked through all the magazines and chose only those which contained English names. In the Internet I have found information about the quantity of journals and magazines with English names of Belarusian publishing houses. I looked through all the magazines and chose only those which contained the English names. Even the articles in these journals contained different amounts of borrowings, all depended on the topic of the article and the magazine. Cosmopolitan is very popular with young people. Such Belarusian newspapers and magazines Belarus Today, Pressbol, Personal computer, Press hit, the magazine Minsk review, the magazine orbiter are popular with people.PART 3 English borrowings in the names of the shops and some goods Borrowings have everlastingly come to the language through a variety of goods trade. And today, new products bring its contribution to linguistic borrowing. There are a lot of sources of borrowings. Among them I can name * names of the stores* names of cafes and restaurants* product names* household appliances.Every day people go shopping and find English words everywhere. Firstly, I would like to highlight the names of the stores in our town and our capital Minsk, in the title of which there are some English words and letters Axis, Respect (shoe stores), Berghouse, Tom Tailor, Delta sport, Sportmaster, Belmarket, Massive, Preston-market, Globo, Coolman, Maximus, Prostore and others. Every day people go shopping to buy different goods and the names of these items, written by a bright bold are well-remembered by consumers. We buy food every day and see the words Coca-Cola, Sprite, Bubble Gum, Chupa-chups, Ice-tea, Sandwich, Cracker, Alpine gold, Chips, , Nuts, Snickers, Picnic, Mars, Bounty, rose-cheeked Bull, beefsteak, grapefru it, Juice, Juicy fruit and others. We use different cleaning products, washing powders. The names of these products are also well included in our language. Some words related to personal hygiene is also borrowed from the English language Colgate, Fairy, Tide, Blend-a-med, Ariel, Mister Muskul, Clean, Vanish, Dove, Head and Shoulders, Cleaning, Mather care, and others.Food for pets also brings its contribution to the borrowing of words Pedigree, Whiskas, Puppy, Parrot, Royal Canine and others. Household appliances and computer equipment have given us Cannon, Flash, Computer, Laptop, Notebook, iPhone, iPod, mp3Player, gadget, Smile, trader, level, IQ, chat, Sticker, names of kinds of music, Game, Player, Media, Mixer, Toaster, the names of many brands have become a part of our speech Top shops, Top hits etc. Borrowings have come into fashion and become the names of cafes, clubs and restaurants Beatles, blackberry bush, REST, Aero Cafe, Double Coffee, Chill Out, Quarter City, Birhause , Europe, extra time, Madison Royal Club, West World Club, Next Club and others.PART 4 The questionnaireWe have asked the pupils of our school some questions on the topic English borrowings1. How often do you use English words in your speech (except English lessons)?1. often2. sometimes3. do not use2. Is it possible to speak without English borrowings?1. yes2. no3. its difficult to answer3. Does Russian need English borrowings?1. yes2. no3. its difficult to answerResults of the questionnaire are presented in the appendix.ConclusionDuring the study of intercultural communication of Russian and English languages it became clear that the process of new words borrowing occur intensively enough. So the history of the country has a great influence upon the history of the language. All events in the history such as wars, revolutions, trade, economical and political contacts, new inventions and many others always have a definite reflection in the lexical system of a language. As for nowaday s a great interest of linguists is concentrated upon the RussianEnglish lingual communication. Increase of informational flow, appearance of Internet, expansion of international relationships, development of world trade, economy, informational technologies, participation in various international competitions, fashion shows and other things are the reasons that caused the new words entering into Russian lexis.The openness of our society leads us to a considerable enlargement of mental outlook and range of interests, and to the improvement of foreign languages knowledge. The number of new concepts and phenomena Russian in origin is very limited. Thats why the adoption of already animate nomination with the respective notion and item is considered to be the most prestigious and effective way of enlarging the vocabulary. We have seen that Russian language is not as systematic as English, or any other European languages, it is a still changing and flexible system. According to this rese arch we can see that modern Russian language can be hardly imagined without English words. The main sources of English borrowings are Mass media, TV, magazines and Stores.In this course project I have made the classification of loan-words which includes direct borrowings, hybrids, calques, half-calques, exotisms, foreign lingual spots, composites and jargonisms. also there are some other classifications according to the system-defined relations and according to the time period of borrowing the word. Time will show us if these borrowings can change, enrich or deteriorate the image of Russian language. Time will define the future destiny of each loan-word which is to be finally adopted or rejected by linguistic flavor of the epoch. Russian language has a long history of adopting words dictated by the necessity to perceive useful information in the form of new words drawing on international experience. However, national originality of Russian language did not suffer at all from the pe netration of foreign words into it, as the process of borrowing is quite natural way of any language enrichment. Russian language preserved its self-dependency and just got rich by means of borrowed words.So on channels Sport and Belarus 2 we often hear such words as Football/ allude/Football boots, Surfing/Windsurfing, Bodybuilding, Power lifting, Basketball, Snowboard, Free ride, Backcountry, Kickboxing/Mix fight. There are a lot of other kinds of sport volleyball, tennis, auto sport, motorsport, baseball, skateboarding, Aerobic, Gymnastic, Break dance, arm sport, badminton, bobsleigh, bowling, darts, golf, curling, paintball, Rafting, squash, hockey, cheerleading and so on.There are uncountable quantity of English words that we hear on TV. I want to repeat just few of them which I often hear TV, show, teenager, model, musical, show business, celebrity, style, fashion, trend, top, super, weekend, test-drive, up-grade, jazz, hip-hop, rap, pop, rock-and-roll, cover, PR-manager, imag e-maker, battle, freestyle, casting, comment, Hollywood, designer, track, boyfriend, price-list, exclusive.Some of the Belarus Automobile news.www.autonews.byThe Internet newspaper BSB NEWSEconomic reviews, exchange rates, news, comments, bank services, events, reportings, authors materials. newspaper AutodigestAutomobile weekly journalwww. ADT.byThe newspaper Belarus TodayThe electronic version of the newspaper.www.belarustoday.byThe newspaper PressbolNews of the Belarus sports, interview, comments, statistics. www. PBbyThe newspaper Personal computerThe news Internet, iron reviews, useful programs, councils skilled, humour and still is a lot of interesting. www. PK.byThe newspaper Press hitWeekly the most interesting and actual articles from more than hundred newspapers of the world. MINSK REVIEWReference magazineMagazine BusinessMonthly business magazine.To PART 4Results of the questionnaire.List of literature 1. . . , , 1995. 2. .. . , 2003. 3. . . , , , 2003. 4. .. (, , ) // . ., 1984 5. . ., . . , , , 1987. 6. . . . XX , , 1996. 7. ABBYY Lingvo 11 , 2005. 8. www.philology.ru10. www.wikipedia.org11.

Friday, May 17, 2019

A Dirty Job Chapter 10

PART TWOSECONDHAND SOULSDo non considerk death. Death will find you.But overtakek the road which makes death a fulfillment. Dag Hammarskjld10DEATH TAKES A WALKMornings, Charlie walked. At six, later an early breakfast, he would work on the c ar of Sophie oer to Mrs. Korjev or Mrs. Ling (whoevers turn it was) for the work twenty-four hours and walk stroll re solelyy, pacing tabu the city with the sword-cane, which had become part of his daily regalia, wearing soft, fateful-leather go shoes and an expensive, secondhand suit that had been retailored at his cleaners in Chinatown. Although he pretended to throw a purpose, Charlie walked to give himself sequence to think, to try on the sizing of being Death, and to look at all the volume turn come out and nearly in the morning. He wondered if the female child at the flower stand, from whom he often bought a carnation for his lapel, had a soul, or would give hers up while he watched her die. He watched the guy in North Bea ch make cappuccinos with faces and fern leaves drawn in the foam, and wondered if a guy like that could actually function without a soul, or was his soul collecting form in Charlies O.K. room? There were a lot of people to see, and a lot of mentation to be d superstar.Being out among the people of the city, when they were but starting to move, greeting the day, making ready, he started to notion not just the responsibility of his new role, but the power, and finally, the specialness. It didnt matter that he had no idea what he was doing, or that he might have lost the love of his life for it to happen he had been chosen. And realizing that, wholeness day as he walked down California Street, down Nob Hill into the financial district, where hed perpetually felt inferior and out of touch with the world, as the brokers and bankers quickstepped around him, barking into their cell phones to Hong Kong or London or New York and never making gist contact, he started to not so much st roll, as strut. That day Charlie Asher climbed onto the California Street cable car for the first time since he was a kid, and hung off the bar, out over the path, holding out the sword-cane as if charging, with Hondas and Mercedes zooming along the street beside him, passing chthonian his armpit just inches away. He got off at the end of the line, bought a Wall Street Journal from a machine, then walked to the nearest storm drain, spread out the Journal to protect his tro mappingrs against oil stains, then got down on his hands and knees and screamed into the drain grate, I have been chosen, so dont fuck with me When he stood up again, a dozen people were stand on that point, waiting for the light to alter. Looking at him.Had to be done, Charlie said, not apologizing, just explaining.The bankers and the brokers, the executive director assistants and the human-resource people and the woman on her way to serve up clam chowder in a sourdough trough at the Boudin Bakery, all n odded, not sure exactly why, except that they worked in the financial district, and they all mum being fucked with, and in their souls if not in their minds, they knew that Charlie had been yelling in the right direction. He folded his paper, tucked it under his arm, then turned and crossed the street with them when the light changed.Sometimes Charlie walked whole blocks when he plan plainly of Rachel, and would become so engrossed in the memory of her eyes, her smile, her touch, that he ran straight into people. Other times people would bump into him, and not even lift his wal permit or say excuse me, which might be a matter of course in New York, but in San Francisco meant that he was close to a soul vessel that needed to be retrieved. He set one, a bronze fireplace poker, mark off out by the curb with the trash on Russian Hill. Another time, he spotted a glowing vase displayed in the bay windowpane of a Victorian in North Beach. He screwed up his courage and knocked on the d oor, and when a young woman answered, and came out on the porch to look for her visitor, and was bewildered because she didnt see anyone there, Charlie slipped past her, grabbed the vase, and was out the side door before she came back in, his heart pounding like a war drum, adrenaline sizzling through his veins like a hormonal tilt-a-whirl. As he headed back to the shop that particular morning, he realized, with no itty-bitty sense of irony, that until he became Death, hed never felt so alive.Every morning, Charlie tried to walk in a different direction. On Mondays he liked to go up into Chinatown just after dawn, when all the deliveries were being made crates of produce, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, melons, and a dozen varieties of cabbage, tended by Latinos in the Central Valley and consumed by Chinese in Chinatown, having passed through Anglo hands just long adequate to extract the nourishing money. On Mondays the fishing companies delivered their fresh catches us ually strong Italian men whose families had been in the business for five generations, handing off their catch to inscrutable Chinese merchants whose ancestors had bought fish from the Italians off horse-drawn wagons a hundred years before. All sorts of live and recently live fish were moved across the pavement snapper and halibut and mackerel, sea bass and ling cod and yellowtail, clawless Pacific lobster, Dungeness crab, ghastly monkfish, with their long saberlike odontiasis and a single spine that jutted from their head, bracing a luminous lure they used to draw in prey, so plenteous in the ocean that the sun never shone. Charlie was fascinated by the creatures from the very deep sea, the big-eyed squid, cuttlefish, the blind sharks that located prey with electromagnetic impulses creatures who never saw light. They made him think of what might be facing him from the Underworld, because even as he fell into a rhythm of finding names at his bedside, and soul vessels in all mann er of places, and the appearance of the ravens and the shades subsided, he could feel them under the street whenever he passed a storm sewer. Sometimes he could hear them whispering to one another, hushing quickly in the rare moments when the street went quiet.To walk through Chinatown at dawn was to become part of a severe dance, because there were no back doors or alleys for loading, and all the wares went across the sidewalk, and although Charlie had enjoyed neither danger nor dancing up till now, he enjoyed playing dance partner to the thousand tiny Chinese grandmothers in black slippers or jelly-colored plastic shoes who scampered from merchant to merchant, squeezing and smelling and thumping, looking for the freshest and the best for their families, twanging orders and questions to the merchants in Mandarin, all the while just a second or a slip away from being sound over by sides of beef, great racks of fresh duck, or hand trucks stacked high with crates of live turtles. Ch arlie was nevertheless to retrieve a soul vessel on one of his Chinatown walks, but he stayed ready, because the swirl of time and motion forecast that one foggy morning someones granny was going to proceed knocked out of her low shoes.One Monday, just for sport, Charlie grabbed an eggplant that a spectacularly wizened granny was going for, but or else of twisting it out of his hand with some mystic kung fu move as he expected, she looked him in the eye and shook her head just a jog, barely perceptible really it might have been a tic, but it was the most eloquent of gestures. Charlie read it as saying O White Devil, you do not want to purloin that purple fruit, for I have four thousand years of ancestors and civilization on you my grandparents built the railroads and dug the silver mines, and my parents survived the earthquake, the fire, and a society that outlawed even being Chinese I am mother to a dozen, grandmother to a hundred, and great-grandmother to a legion I have bir thed babies and water-washed the dead I am history and suffering and wisdom I am a Buddha and a dragon so get your fucking hand off my eggplant before you lose it.And Charlie let go.And she grinned, just a little. Three teeth.And he wondered if it ever did fall to him to retrieve the soul vessel of one of these crones of Chronos, if hed even be able to lift it. And he grinned back.And asked for her phone number, which he gave to Ray. She seemed nice, Charlie told him. Mature.Sometimes Charlies walks took him through Japantown, where he passed the most enigmatic shop in the city, Invisible Shoe Re pit. He really intended to balk in one day, but he was still coming to terms with giant ravens, adversaries from the Underworld, and being a Merchant of Death, and he wasnt sure he was ready for invisible shoes, let alone invisible shoes that needed repair He often tried to look past the Japanese characters into the shop window as he passed, but saw nothing, which, of course, didnt mean a thing. He just wasnt ready. But there was a pet shop in Japantown (House of Pleasant Fish and Gerbil), where he had originally gone to procure Sophies fish, and where he returned to replace the TV attorneys with six TV detectives, who also simultaneously took the big Ambien a calendar week later. Charlie had been distraught to find his baby daughter drooling away in front of a bowl afloat(p) more dead detectives than a film noir festival, and after flushing all six at once and having to use the plunger to dislodge Magnum and Mannix, he vowed that following(a) time he would find more resilient pals for his little girl. He was coming out of House of PF&G one afternoon, with a Habitrail pod containing a pair of sturdy hamsters, when he ran into Lily, who was making her way to a coffeehouse up on Van Ness, where she was preparation to meet her friend Abby for some latte-fueled speed brooding.Hey, Lily, how are you doing? Charlie was trying to appear matter-of-fact, but he found that the awkwardness between him and Lily over the last few months was not mitigated by her seeing him on the street carrying a plastic buffet full of rodents.Nice gerbilles, Lily said. She wore a Catholic schoolgirls plaid beleaguer over black tights and Doc Martens, with a tight black PVC bustier that was squishing pale Lily-bits out the top, like a can of biscuit dough thats been smacked on the edge of the counter. The hair color du jour was fuchsia, over violet eye shadow, which matched her violet, elbow-length lace gloves. She looked up and down the street and, when she didnt see anyone she knew, fell into step succeeding(prenominal) to Charlie.Theyre not gerbils, theyre hamsters, Charlie said.Asher, do you have something youve been keeping from me? She tilted her head a little, but didnt look at him when she asked, just kept her eyes forward, scanning the street for someone who might recognize her walking next to Charlie, thus forcing her to commit seppuku.Jeez, Lily, these are for Sophie Charlie said. Her fish died, so Im bringing her some new pets. Besides, that whole gerbil thing is an urban myth I meant that youre Death, Lily said.Charlie nearly dropped his hamsters. Huh?Its so wrong Lily continued, walking on after Charlie had stopped in his tracks, so now he had to scurry to catch up to her. Just so wrong, that you would be chosen. Of all of lifes many disappointments, Id have to say that this is the crowning disappointment.Youre sixteen, Charlie said, still stumbling a little at the matter-of-fact way she was discussing this.Oh, throw that in my face, Asher. Im only sixteen for two more months, then what? In the blink of an eye my beauty becomes but a feast for worms, and I, a forgotten sigh in a sea of nothingness.Your birthday is in two months? Well, well have to get you a nice cake, Charlie said.Dont change the subject, Asher. I know all about you, and your Death persona.Charlie stopped again and turned to look at her. This time, she stopped as well. Lily, I know Ive been acting a little strangely since Rachel died, and Im sorry you got in trouble at school because of me, but its just been trying to deal with it all, with the baby, with the business. The stress of it all has I have The Great Big Book of Death, Lily said. She steadied Charlies hamsters when he lost his grip. I know about the soul vessels, about the colorful forces rising if you fuck up, all that hug all of it. Ive known long-term than you have, I think.Charlie didnt know what to say. He was feeling brat and relief at the same time panic because Lily knew, but relief because at least someone knew, and believed it, and had actually seen the book. The bookLily, do you still have the book?Its in the store. I hid it in the back of the glass cabinet where you keep the valuable stuff that no one will ever buy.No one ever looks in that cabinet.No kidding? I thought if you ever found it, Id say it had always been there.I have to go. He turned and started walking the other direction, but then realized that they had already been heading toward his neighborhood and turned around again. Where are you going?To get some coffee.Ill walk with you.You will not. Lily looked around again, wary that someone might see them.But, Lily, Im Death. That should at least have given me some level of cool.Yeah, youd think, but it turns out that you have managed to take over the cool out of being Death.Wow, thats harsh.Welcome to my world, Asher.You cant tell anyone about this, you know that?Like anyone cares what you do with your gerbils.Hamsters Thats not Chill, Asher. Lily giggled. I know what you mean. Im not going to tell anyone except Abby knows but she doesnt care. She says shes met some guy whos her dark lord. Shes in that stage where she thinks a dick is some kind of mystical magic wand.Charlie adjusted his hamster box uncomfortably. Girls go through a stage like that? Why was he just hearing about this now? Even the hamsters looked uncomfort able.Lily turned on a heel and started up the street. Im not having this conversation with you.Charlie stood there, watch her go, balancing the hamsters and his completely useless sword-cane while trying to dig his cell phone out of his pate pocket. He needed to see that book, and he needed to see it sooner than the hour it would take him to get home. Lily, wait he called. Im calling a cab, Ill give you a ride.She waved him off without looking and kept walking. As he was waiting for the cab company to answer, he heard it, the voice, and he realized that he was standing right over a storm drain. It had been over a month since hed heard them, and he thought maybe theyd gone. Well have her, too, Meat. Shes ours now.He felt the fear rise in his throat like bile. He snapped the phone shut and ran after Lily, cane rattling and hamsters bouncing as he went. Lily, wait defermentShe spun around quickly and her fuchsia wig only did the quarter turn instead of the half, so her face was cove r with hair when she said, One of those ice-cream cakes from Thirty-one Flavors, okay? After that, despair and nothingness.Well put that on the cake, Charlie said.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Finance accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Finance accounting - sample ExampleSome of the bodies include financial accounting standards board (FASB), American Institute of Certified exoteric Accountants (AICPA), Public Companies Oversight Board (PCOB), International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Association lease Certified Accountants among other governing bodies globally.Financial regulations have been common phenomena in the current world. For example in the recent Euro crisis the countries involved had to take measures to go out that their financial systems are not curtailed. Policies were reviewed at this time to ensure currency stability in the market. Another instance which has seen financial reviewing is in the US during the 2008 financial panic. The ground finance department reviewed its policies to ensure that the government did not transcend into a state of jeopardy. Although policies are interminably reviewed they must fall within the stipulations of international ly accepted principles. The whole sequence of formulation is governed by the broadly speaking accepted accounting principles (GAAPS) failure to com give with these rules will lead to confusion in the sector.This paper tries to learn the financial implications of Ryanair plc. Ryanair is an international company with huge market base it operates low cost passenger airlines which ply the routes between UK, Europe continent and the Moroccan airspaces. Besides the company is listed on a stock veer in the country, with a huge base of shareholders the company needs to frequently assess its financial statements to pack the right message to the shareholders and stay within the law.It is the financial obligations of the companies which on most occasions oblige care to address or review the financial statements of the company. Shareholders and the authorities will on most occasions expect reports on the operations of the company. In